Blossom Facilities Management keeps a vigilant eye on daycares facilities upkeep so you can focus on offering children the engaging atmosphere they deserve.

  • Improve quality of physical environment of daycares
  • Enable effective & preventative facilities management
  • Improves the public face daycares presents
  • Best meet the needs of children, staff & parents
  • Transform spaces into creative ones through renovation or purpose-built facilities
  • Shift from makeshift low rent managed spaces to better facility design
  • Satisfy regulations & municipal bylaws
  • Ensures safety & well-being of the children and staff
  • Increase children, parents and staff satisfaction
  • Cost savings and operational efficiency/employee productivity
  • Technology optimization & automation capabilities
Tell us a little about yourself…

    Full Name: *

    Email Address: *

    Phone Number: *

    Company Website:

    1. How long have you been running a daycare at this location? *

    2. Do you own this place or are you renting the facility? *

    3. What age group are children coming to your child care facility? *

    4. Is your daycare licensed? *

    5. How often are safety inspections conducted? *

    6. Do you have full-time staff for regular cleaning activity for both indoor and outdoor areas? *

    7. Are there accessibility, repair and maintenance measures in place? *

    8. Do you have planned downtime for any renovation at your current facility in the next 6 to 12 months?

    9. Is there budget allocation for emergency repairs and renovation?

    10. What measures do you take to continuously improve your facility design and space optimization?

    11. What tools do you currently use for facility management? *

    12. May we contact you to discuss Blossom Facilities Management and collect your feedback? *